My Birth Control Pills Made Me Fat.

My Birth Control Pills made me fat. As I stepped on the scale, it was all I could think. It had to be my birth control pills. I was eating healthy healthier. I was going to the gym, and I’d even participated in several Nike Run challenges until I twisted my ankle and was out on doctor’s orders for three months. Nothing I was doing was helping. I just could not get the weight off. I’ve posted about my weight issues before and each time I’ve made a valiant effort at getting the weight off only to find that it…

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Ten Things to Do This Month to Start the New Year.

Here we are starting a New Year. This is the time when everyone sits down and makes their New Years resolutions and vows to change things that didn’t work in 2014. Sometimes New Year Resolutions can be hard to keep and so instead of posting my resolutions I’ve decided to just go with ten things that I plan to do this month.    1. Clean off your computer. Start the new year off with a clean hard drive. As a blogger, my desktop is often cluttered with pictures I’ve saved or files that I’m editing. It often gets so bad…

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