My Chic and Budget-Friendly, Succulent Terrarium.

Purging has to be one the absolute best things that I’ve done this year. I didn’t exactly Kon Marie my home, but I did get rid of massive amounts of “clutter”. I wanted my home to reflect calm and peace which is how I’m striving to live my life.  We deal with so much stuff in our daily lives, from work, bills, and family drama that I no longer wanted to walk into my home and be bombarded with massive amounts of stuff that made my world feel that much more busy. 

So, after I got rid of practically all the decor in our living room, I felt that our entertainment center was missing something. I knew I wanted a plant that had some color, but I didn’t want a lot of colors since my living room has a lot of soft grays, blues, and browns. After agonizing over it for a while, I finally decided that a terrarium of Succulents would be perfect.

Creating a Succulent Garden in a Vase (2 of 12)

Making a Succulent Terrarium is easy and best of all affordable as the entire project cost less than $65. It even makes the perfect afternoon activity to do with young children. My local Home Depot had a wide assortment of Succulents for me to choose from. I was lucky as they’d just gotten a shipment in. Succulents can range in price from $3.98 for the smaller ones and $4.98-$5.98 for the larger ones. For my terrarium I decided on using a larger Echeveria and Dudleya. Both plants had soft hues of blue, gray and purple making them perfect choices for the main succulents in each terrarium.  To surround these I choose vibrant green Crassula, Sedum, and String of Pearls.

The large glass vases I was able to pick up at HomeGoods. Each only retailed for $12.99 which is why I absolutely love this store and have to put myself on a strict budget everytime I go in there. Soil, river rocks, and sand also came from Home Depot. They’re all easily found in the indoor plant section.

Creating a Succulent Garden in a Vase (3 of 12)
Creating a Succulent Garden in a Vase (6 of 12)

Creating a Succulent Garden in a Vase (5 of 12)
Creating a Succulent Garden in a Vase (7 of 12)

To create my Succulent terrarium I filled the bottom of each glass vase with river rocks. Succulents don’t need a lot of water and love dry soil so the river rocks work great to help pull the water from the soil. I topped the river rock with soil made specifically for these type of dry weather plants. After I planted each Succulent I layered light colored soil cover sand over the soil for added design.

Creating a Succulent Garden in a Vase (8 of 12)

Creating a Succulent Garden in a Vase (12 of 12)

I placed both Succulent Terrariums on the side of my entertainment center and they look as if they’ve should have been ther all along. Now not only do I have my plants, but the glass vases add a nice chic and simple design element to our living room without taking up alot of space.

Creating a Succulent Garden in a Vase (11 of 12)

Creating a Succulent Garden in a Vase (10 of 12)
Creating a Succulent Garden in a Vase (9 of 12)


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