How Changing my Regimen Saved my Hair.

Hair regimens are important. Especially if you have natural hair. Once of the biggest pitfalls of having natural hair is overcoming that inner product junkie. You know the one that wants to try every single product that comes out on the market? Being that I’ve been natural for many years I thought I finally figured out what my hair liked there were certain products from brands that I could use and certain products I had to stay away from. After doing another impromptu big chop in January I realized that my hair was riddled with grays. I mean I’ve always…

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How to Finger Coil and Rock a Coil Out with a Tapered Cut

  Last week I had my hair cut back into a tapered style. I know I know, I was growing it out, but I decided that I just look better with a shorter cut. I attempted a wash and go on this tapered style and I felt it really didn’t bring through the actual shape of the style so I decided since I was due to update my “Finger Coils On Natural Hair” video from three years ago this would be the perfect time to do that and try the style out at the same time.  The products I used…

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