Ten Things to do This Month.


Ten Simple things to Do this Month

I’ve never been a big list writer. It would honestly probably make my life immensely easier but I kind of like to rely on the ol noggin for helping me keep track of what’s what. This month I decided to write out a list of 10 things I wanted to do that would help me become an all around better person, or at least better in my eyes. I didn’t want anything long or complicated but just something simple and easy that could actually be accomplished in a months time. Here is a list of Ten things to do this Month.

1. Set one Monthly Goal

This one is pretty easy. What’s that one thing that you’ve always wanted to do but could never find time to do? Hike a trail? Learn how to sew? Clean out your closet?  Set your goal for something that can be attainable rather then something that you would fret over easily. My goal is to actually paint a chair that I would like to go in my Beauty Room.
2. Finish that book!

We all that one book that you picked up and put down only never to look back at it again. Yea you may be wasting time in your life that you’ll never get back when you discover the ending is crappy, but at least you know how it ends. I’m currently reading the Divergent series and I’m on book three. While I’m not completely wow’d by the book and no, I’ve never seen the movie I’m forcing myself to finish it just I can have closure.
3. Learn a new recipe.

Now this is something I can’t wait to do! I’m always in the kitchen trying new out new recipes. Many have ended up being in constant rotation in our household. I just recently purchased the newest cook book from Thug Kitchen and I can’t wait to fire up the grill!
4. Explore someplace new.

Oh the places you will go… I’ve been in Philadelphia for about five years now and there are still places that I would love to go see. Exploring some place new doesn’t have to mean going out of town. I’m pretty sure there are tons of great places right in your area. 

5. Relax.

Turn off your phone, grab a glass of wine, curl up on the couch and watch a movie or read a book. Just relax!
6. Write a letter.

In the age of social media everything is so tech driven. People forget what it means to have a hand written letter. Write a letter to  a friend to tell them how much you miss them. Write to your sister or even to your significant other. I alway leave little notes in my husbands briefcase. Of course, he never see’s them until weeks have gone by but hey I made the effort!
7.Pay it forward.

The bible says it is better to give than to receive so take a moment and be a blessing to someone else for a change. Buy the person behind you a cup of coffee. Give the Cashier $20 towards someone’s groceries. However you do it, do it with a kind and open heart so that you will receive an even bigger blessing when it comes back around to you.
8. Forgive someone.

Yes, this is easier said than done, but forgiveness can be a simple act. I’m not asking you to forgive someone for a childhood tragedy but forgive the girl who accidentally bumped into you and knocked coffee on your cream wool coat. Forgive the guy who opened his car door and put a small dinge in yours. Start small and work your way up the forgiveness ladder.
9. Research that new job opportunity!

If you’re not already in your dream job go ahead and research what you need to do to get there. Write it down and make a check list so that you can hold yourself accountable on making moves to be where you want to be.
10. Be Yourself.

Smile weird, laugh loud, walk silly, do a dance in public but just be yourself unapologetically.


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  1. October 27, 2014 / 3:11 pm

    I love this post, Melody. #10 has a very special place in my heart. Always be yourself – unapologetically! For some people that means admitting they’re a bit of nerd and staying in on a Friday night to read, and for others, it’s fearlessly wearing a cocktail dress to a casual hangout because you want to! Thx for reminding me to strive for authenticity, no matter what people may say.

  2. November 29, 2014 / 8:37 am

    will surely try these 10 things 😀