Products I’m Loving This Month

Help Your Skin Survive the Winter with These Three Tips

This post is sponsored by Olay. All opinions are my own. I still remember that cold winter evening back in 2013 when we got the keys to our first home. I remember the excitement and nervousness that I felt knowing we were officially homeowners. This was supposed to be a happy time, but for me, I wished to back in our old apartment as my skin started to go through changes that I felt were related to our new environment. It started out innocently enough, I would take a shower, and my skin would immediately dry and tighten up to the…

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The FGF Weekend 2017 Brown Girls Building Brands Brunch Recap

After a tumultuous week and despite the fact that it was snowing,  I talked myself into attending the Brown Girls Building Building Brands Brunch being held during the Fit Girl Fresh Weekend here in Philly. I wanted to stay in bed. I wanted to continue working through my emotions, but I knew this would be good for me. It was a much needed first step towards getting back to who I was. I stumbled upon the Fit Girl Fresh Weekend after seeing an IG story from Trina who blogs over at Baby Shopaholic. The FitGirlFresh weekend is an event put together by…

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Gift Giving Ideas for the Holidays with Babbleboxx

This post is sponsored by Everyone has that one person in their lives that never wants anything for Christmas. In my family, that person would be me. I’m at a point where I have absolutely everything that I need, so there is nothing that I really want. Okay, I mean I would like a pair of Gucci loafers and a nice Louis Vuitton bag, but these are items I wouldn’t dare ask my family to purchase for me.  So, what do you get that person what either has everything or wants nothing? This year I’ve teamed up with BabbleBoxx to…

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My Favorite Sites for Accessorizing my Wardrobe

It’s the most wonderful time of the year… to give your closet a makeover. I’ve been doing a capsule wardrobe for a few years now and it’s seriously changed my life. However, now that I’ve transitioned into a role that doesn’t require me to wear closed toed shoes, gloves, and safety goggles on a daily basis I’ve been slowly incorporating classic accessories to compliment my new professional wardrobe. I’ve found that the week leading up to Thanksgiving, including Black Friday are the perfect time to find those classic pieces that will really bring your wardrobe together.  There are so many…

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Upgrade your Thanksgiving this year with this Crab and Shrimp Macaroni and Cheese.

This post is sponsored by Keller’s Creamery Butter. Typically when one thinks of Thanksgiving and the spread of food on the table greens, beans, potatoes, tomatoes, chicken, turkey….you name it! Family get togethers are great, especially around the holidays. It’s our family tradition to go around the room and say what we’re thankful for before we sit down to eat dinner. Typically this is when things get sentimental and we reflect on how we’ve overcome the obstacles that life has thrown us throughout the year. However, once that is over if you brought a dish, you better put on your thick…

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